Scorpio Monthly Horoscope

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope

Free Monthly Astrology Prediction for Scorpio April 2024

Love and Relationships

April 2024 will be a beautiful month for love and for couples. Romanticism is ready to step into your life, brought by Neptune that will now enter your house of love and eroticism. Venus will gladly help with building some favorable opportunities, and the Sun will put its foot down in the last decanate of April 2024. What you must be aware of is that relationships that start under these auspices can be delightful at first sight, but in reality either platonic, or disappointing or misleading. In other words, enjoy them, but don't hope for too much for the future!

Career and Finances

You'll go through a very busy, demanding, stressful period. You'll have a lot of work, or you'll face new, complicated situations that will require special effort to be solved. It's very likely to have one door opened for you for the future, to step into a new professional era, but you might as well end up in the middle of a tornado, without being able to do anything about it. Papers, documents, office machinery could cause problems and you might even have some arguments with your work mates. Communication, either oral or written, might play tricks on you. Financially, it seems you're not bad at all.

Health and Fitness

Beware! Your house of health will become the playground for many (too many!) planets in April 2024, so you might experience problems. You could try to channel the planetary energy towards constructive aims, such as medical checkups, treatments, diets, body care procedures, etc. Or even some dental or surgical measures scheduled for other times and postponed, or meant to complete or correct an older procedure of this kind. It's not recommendable that you get involved in anything new in the first two decanates of April 2024. Monthly horoscope’s Advice for Scorpio in April 2024 Plan your activities thoroughly, to avoid overloading and time pressure!